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A serving of history...
City Name: Cyra
Year: 3010, 15 years after the Android Holocaust
Stats: Once heavily populated by androids and cyborgs alike (before AH). Now overrun by the rivaling syndicates of corrupt and powerful nature. The city is divided into the North, South, East and West divisions. Each division is run by a diffrent syndicate. The Syndicates of Cyra spend vast amounts of money gambling on street races held between the selected drivers representing the syndicates (much like horse racing). Androids and cyborgs alike are banned from racing where as they are allowed to be affilated with the racing industry (ie mechanics and construction). Later on, the races will produce a deeper function...
Black Dragon Syndicate (North Division)
Lead By: Itansha
Known For: Dirty street fighting, swashbuckling, organized murder, backstabbing, lying, cheating, prostitution rings, and necessary leadpumping. **Intense rivalry with Liger Syndicate**
Liger Syndicate (South Division)
Lead By: Sykes (Formerly Ewan, assassinated )
Know For: Mainly foreign delegates, mass model productions of large weapons of mass destruction, taste in exotic foreign cars, **Intense rivalry with Black Dragon Syndicate**
Gryffen Syndicate (West Division)
Lead By: Syren
Known For: Taking in just about anyone, and for taking things 'off road'. Harbors the local psycho, nested on shoreline.
Rogue Syndicate (East Division)
Lead By: Musk (An Android, only female leader)
Know For: Going against all other syndicates, wanting all organized murder to end, competing only to get point across.