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Cast and Pitcrew...
Name: Trygg
Age: 22
Vechile: H2 (Hummer)
Syndicate: Gryffen
Status: Legally Insane
Trygg...Trygg, Trygg, Trygg, Trygg, Trygg...The mental one of the group (having a rocker launcher fetish doesn't help his case either). Boy do I mean mental. He thinks that by going 'woof' he can talk to Jaeger for gods sake X.x; As a kid, Trygg was exposed to radiation at a near by plant during the Android Holocaust, while it killed others, it turned him psycho. Literally. Trygg seems to have quite a love for the song Links 234 (after hearing it play in his Hummer). So now whenever he hears Pyre speak German, he calls her 'Rummsteen' due to his lack of german/sanity.
Trygg wears a straitjacket (from his previous ward) minus the sleeves. With his red and blue hair, it makes one wonder how he got out in the first place...